Staying true to the minimal theme of the subject, let’s jump straight to the list: Paperman Paperman is a Disney short film that was released in 2012. The film is set in the 1950s-60s era and centers on two strangers who meet at a Manhattan train terminal for a short…
Category: Listicles

Five underrated animated movies that need no Oscars, Part – 1
When the limelight is reserved for seats in single digits, there’s a good chance that equally deserving candidates are likely to miss out on the musical chair of the Academy Awards. Oscars animated movies 2023 list featured good names, and as personally expected, Guillermo del toro’s Pinocchio bagged the award….

The search for queer representation in animation genre
Every year, June is observed as pride month. The web goes colorful, and flags everywhere remind the world about the valid queer existences, just like any other non-queer people. For Pride month this year, I thought of looking into queer representation in animation, and here’s what I found: Queer representation…

Why do people hate Sakura Haruno?
Sakura Haruno is one of the prominent characters in Narutoverse, which is brimming with a variety of characters with interesting mixes of strengths and personalities. It’s tough to pick a favorite here, but no character receives as much hatred as Sakura Haruno, even more than characters who kill and destroy….