Introversion ain’t easy and people are making it worse.
Dear non-introverts,
I am sure you have a good bunch of people around you making your life hashtag worthy and that’s all great but for a moment (which I assume that it must be crossing in your energy dipped, people filled days) CARE ABOUT YOUR INTROVERTED FRIEND!
Do you know “that one moron” who is such a lazyass that he/she won’t budge for Friday night booze because he/she has “things to do” locked in his/her room? That one guy/girl who prefers the corner most seat in a restaurant or pub (if at all goes there) and insists to run back after an hour? Or may be that person who won’t give straight answers to seemingly “OK to ask” questions? If any of these made you gasp/think of a “YES”, know that you have an introvert in your group and his/her needs are totally different!
Introverts, if you are reading this, I am an introvert and I understand how frustrating it can get to do things which are expected out of you in different social scenarios, be it in family or in a job. I understand that a lot goes in your head and next to nothing comes out of your mouth. I know how tiring the constant exposure to people is even though you don’t hate them. So, if you are reading this, this is for you to let your peers/family know what makes you tick and what makes the window look smash worthy!
Back to the non-introverts, here is the list of DON’TS you need to DO.
- DON’T FORCE: Don’t force for a movie, pub, hangout, Skype call, outing, meeting, phone-call, concert or anything under the sun for that matter. We know if we want to be there or not. No is a no and no introvert likes to be forced. If we want to go, we will tell you.
- DON’T CALL US LOUDLY IN PUBLIC: The last thing an introvert wants is attention and worse ,purposeless attention. A purposeless attention particularly in public is embarrassing to us and makes us fly off that area. We might momentarily hate you for this. If you have something to tell us, walk to us.
- DON’T TRY TO FIX US: We are not broken to be fixed! There is no such thing which “one should be doing in his/her life” which is applicable to everyone. If we choose to stay out of it, there is a good enough reason that we are not willing to share and that must be respected. We are very choosy to whom we open up to.
- DON’T MAKE ASSUMPTIONS: “A” is not “B”. Remember this and you would remember that every person is different. What one introvert likes may not be liked by another. Know your introvert friend better. You would be surprised on what you discover.
- DON’T DISTURB OUR “ME TIME”: Our “me time” is sacred and there are going to be no further explanations.
That’s all (well mostly). We would really appreciate if you keep this in mind. We like you. A little more liking is a longer distance for us to travel. But once we have traveled that you take a special place in our hearts. And yes, more surprises too. 😉
With love,
An INTJ woman
Originally posted on Blogger on Jul 05, 2016